The building plan shows both a front and a lateral view of the proposed structure. 建筑设计图显示出计划中建筑物的正面与侧面图。
Split the lateral surfaces with the a curve following the trunk line on top view. 斯普利特的横向表面的曲线后,干线上的看法。
Fig.3 Lateral view of left carotid DSA shows the PComAA. 图3,左侧颈动脉DSA侧位片显示左侧后交通动脉瘤。
The lateral view of angiocardiography showed two adjacent chambers in the region of left atrium. 三房心的心血管造影表现为在侧位上相当于左房区域,有两个相邻的腔。
The lateral view shape of the outside of the cavity body is a trapezoid, and the foreside is a groove-shaped mouth which folds upward. 主体的后部为一空腔体,空腔体外部的侧视形状为梯形,前部为向上折的槽形口。
Bone or Cartilage Slice Blanket Graft to Reconstruct Lateral Attic Wall for Tinnitus and Deafness Modified cochlear view in cochlear implantation 骨或软骨片修复上鼓室外壁治疗耳鸣耳聋人工耳蜗植入术后改良耳蜗位平片的探讨
Objective To study diagnostic significance of spinal tuberculosis with PA and lateral view of X-ray film and CT. 目的研究正侧位X线平片和CT诊断脊柱结核的意义。
Results 6 patients showed right hemi snowman sign in posteroanterior view and 4 showed a pretracheal density on the lateral view or other sign caused by drainage vein. 结果X线平片呈右半头雪人征者6例,4例有右上纵隔旁增宽引流静脉影;
Methods: Lateral view radiographs of 100 cases of Colles fracture combined with lunare bone dislocation and 100 cases of volunteers with normal wrist joint were included and analyzed. 方法:对100例Colles骨折合并月骨脱位及100例正常腕关节的X线正侧位平片进行对比分析,测量月骨中轴线与桡骨中轴线的夹角。
Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed vision measurement method of the lateral deviation error can achieve the cm-level accuracy on the general road under the condition of near view. 实车试验表明横向偏差的视觉测量方法在近视野情况下对于一般路面可以取得厘米级的测量精度。
The tip-apex distance with correction ( AP and lateral view) of the cut-out group and fracture healing group were 26 mm 、 18 mm, respectively ( P < 0.01). 螺钉在正、侧位上的校正距离切割组和愈合组分别是26mm、18mm(P<0.01)。
Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed vision measurement method for the lateral deviation error can achieve the cm-level real-time accuracy on the general road with low gradient under the condition of near view, which can satisfy the measurement demands of the multi-sensor integrated navigation system of intelligent vehicles. 试验表明,所提出的横向偏差测量方法在近视野情况下对于坡度不大的一般道路可以取得厘米级的实时测量精度,能够满足多传感器组合导航对横向偏差测量的要求。
Materials and Methods: 22 patients were radiographed in PA view and left lateral view with esophageal barium swallow, 19 were confirmed by operation, 2 by angiography, 1 by US doppler. 材料和方法:22例均行心脏正位及左侧位食道吞钡摄片,19例经手术证实,2例经造影证实,1例经彩超证实。
Conclusion The most common pattern of the oral lip is convex, and then plain type and concave type on the lateral view. 结论口唇形态侧面观以尖突上唇型最多,平齐型次之,瘪上唇型最少;
The receptive field ( RF) theory and the lateral inhibition ( LI) mechanism are of the same view. 论证了感受野(RF)学说和侧抑制(LI)理论的本质一致性。
This paper supplies the theoretical analysis and practical discussion on lateral force& friction from point of view about vehicle suspension and shock absorber itself. 该文从车辆悬架系统的角度和减振器本体的角度对车辆筒式减振器侧向受力与摩擦进行了理论分析和试验。
Conclusion: The DLVS is best assessed on the lateral view radiograph, X-ray plain film is also significance in determining the degree of DLVS and clinical treatment as well as prediction of prognosis. 结论:侧位腰椎片确定DLVS最佳,X线平片对移位程度,临床治疗及预后评估均有积极意义。
Lateral views in neutral position, flexion, and extension and anteroposterior view of postoperative lumbar roentgenograms were analyzed to identify the quality of fusion. 分析了患者术前及术后颈椎伸、屈侧位X光片。腰椎正、侧及屈、伸动力位X线片判定融合情况。
At stage two, neural grooves were visible from frontal view and neural folds were invisible from lateral view. 第2期,前面观可见正中线上的神经沟,侧面观未见神经褶。
Results The patterns of the oral lip on lateral view have three types: the plain type, the concave type of upper lip, and the convex type of upper lip. 结果侧面观察将口唇形态分为三型:平齐型、瘪上唇型和尖突上唇型;
Despite the influential mechanism of lateral ride comfort is very complicated, but in the view point of vertical excitation transmissions of wheel-rail contacts, the excitation of the rail spectrum and the airspring suspension feature are the important influential factors to vertical ride comfort and carbody vibrations. 尽管横向舒适性的影响机制很复杂,但是从垂向轮轨激扰传递角度分析,轨道路谱激扰作用和二系悬挂是影响高铁车体振动的重要因素。
To obtain a standardized lateral view of each radius, the radius was held with an adjustable clamp at a fixed distance from the camera. 为了获得每个桡骨的标准侧位照片,用一个可调节的夹子将桡骨置于距离相机固定的位置。
Abundant blood vessel and multilevel branch were seen from lateral view. 侧面观可见血管分支丰富,并见多级分支。